Specialty Clinics
Specialty Clinics
Movement and Skill Clinics: Our PS Movement and Skill Clinics are individual scheduled sessions that focus on a series of movement patterns and skills without having to make a commitment to a PS weekly or yearly program. Perfect for athletes looking to get familiar with our culture, energy, passion and method, our Movement and Skill Clinics are a perfect way to get started and welcomed into the PS family!
Pre-Tryout Clinics: Our PS Pre-Tryout clinics have been developed based on our work with NHL organizations maximizing athlete preparedness heading into the season. From movement patterns and skill sequences to 200 Ft drills and scrimmages getting athletes up and down the ice, a PS Pre-Tryout clinic will get your athlete battle ready to dominate their tryout!
Pre-Season Clinics: Identical in content to our Pre-Tryout clinic our Pre-Season clinic is the program of choice to gear up, get ready and kickstart your upcoming season!
Christmas Break/March Break Clinics: Our Christmas Break/March Break clinics offer athletes the opportunity to work on their game in specific blocks during their school holiday periods. Combining a mixture of PS, SAM and In-Game Transfer, these specialty clinics are a great way to get in some extra work and get a jump on your game!
PA Day Clinics: Identical to our March Break/Christmas Break clinics over one day, this specialty program is part of the little “extras” that all great players do!
Launch Days: Our happiest days of the year! A launch days means the PS family is growing so we can help, serve and teach our methodology to more athletes around the world! Always combining a mixture of our PS and SAM programs, these launch days are a great way to get in some extra work, try out our programs and meet our new Franchisee and their TEAM who are excited to serve in your community!