5 ways to get your game BACK!

5 ways to get your game BACK!

Man, sometimes we just can’t get it going. 

You feel like you’re doing everything.You're putting in the work on the ice, following your coach’s systems, and cranking it in the gym. But still, something is just not right. 

Here are 5 simple ways to get your game BACK!

  1. Down-Regulate:  What do you mean down-regulate, I thought I needed to up the ante?  You do.  But just not yet.  This is one of the toughest things to do as a young athlete, but you’ve got to.  Get off your screens.  Take your dog for a walk, ride your bike, do something outside the game that’s fun! Most of the time your struggle isn't physical, your brain just needs a rest. So down regulate, take a couple days off the ice and get ready, it's the eve of the storm and remember, you are the storm.

  2. Find your Preparation:  Everyone preps for before games differently.  Some people are serious and don’t say much, some keep it loose while kicking around the soccer ball and some just keep totally to themselves while blasting the tunes on their beats.  Find your prep and stick with it. Your game will improve with important prep consistency.

  3. Ask for Help:  Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins and it's deadly for your game too.  Don’t be afraid to get around your coaching staff, ask them for some extra reps before practice starts, ask them for some video feedback or hire a personal on-ice performance coach to cut the video and go over it with you.  Now’s not the time to puff your chest so ask for help, it’s your player lifeline. 

  4. Stop and Start:  90% of the guys in the NHL that struggle let a little cheat in their game. They let some of the small details slip.  The biggest one is drifting.  It takes them out of offensive situations and not in the guts of the rink defensively.  Stop and start all over the ice, it’s like a good dose of vitamin C to your body when you’ve got a cold.

  5. Be a CEO: Sounds too much like business?  No, no, not a Chief Executive Officer. You need to be a Chief Energy Officer!  You’ve got to ramp up, you’ve got to be confident, you’ve got to believe that your next game is going to be your best, the one that’s going to combat the setback. 

So, let’s GO! Focus on all the great reasons that you love playing this great game and get after it!  Combat the Setback!!  Now’s the time to UP the ANTE!! 


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